Dec 20, 2010

Come and See the Sea in the School Holidays!

There'll be lots going on at the Discovery Centre over these School Holidays.  Come and 'see the sea' down at the Wharf Building in Eden - the Discovery Centre is constantly changing with new animals and exhibits all the time.

11am to 3pm Wednesday to Sunday from 5th January 2011 - 29th January 2011

Adults $7, Children $2, Seniors $5, Families $15

Got a group of 4 or more?
Join us for a Guided Snorkel Tour or a Rocky Shore Ramble - FUN and EDUCATIONAL! Just call us on 6496 1699 to book.
The Power kids from the Great Aussie Road Trip loved the Rocky Shore Ramble!  check out their website:

Dec 16, 2010

Our 3rd Annual Marine Science Forum in March will create plenty of "Food for Thought"

Dr Ana Rubio-Zuazo grading oysters
Our 3rd Marine Science Forum on 26th & 27th March 2011 will not only feature presentations about sea urchins and fish, but will also cover a subject close to the hearts of many seafood lovers:  oysters.  Or more specifically - Sydney Rock Oysters which grow in many of the beautiful estuaries of the Far South Coast of NSW.

Dr Ana Rubio-Zuazo has been working alongside oyster growers in the Clyde River at Batemans Bay for some time now and has a very entertaining and educational presentation to give at the Forum.  Keep an eye on the website for the Registration Form so that you can take advantage of the Early Bird discounts!

Dec 8, 2010

Another fantastic line up for our 3rd Annual Marine Science Forum in March

One of the presenters, Dr Jane Williamson
Dr Kevin Rowling will present on his research of fish stocks
We have another great line up of fascinating and engaging speakers for the 3rd Annual Marine Science Forum on 26th & 27th March 2011.  Next year's theme will be 'Food for Thought' and topics such as oysters, sea urchins, sardines and salmon will be covered.  We will also receive a report on the recent mapping of the bottom of the ocean carried out by the Dept. of Environment Climate Change and Water.

Lock in the dates and keep an eye on the website for your chance to register early for discounted rates.  More and more community members are coming along to our Forums to learn a little more about the science behind our marine environment.